Types of Behavior when People Reach Middle Age

“Zero bitterness! … even if there’s less hair and a few more inches around the waist,” says a 40 (something) old man in a low-calorie beer commercial. The obvious thing about growing up to middle age and senior years is that it shows its evidence on your physical appearance (unless you are one of the lucky few whose body cells are resistant to it). For many, this is something they fear about; but there are those who welcome it with open legs. (Oops! That ain’t right).

The number 40 is a mark that someone has undergone a stage of processing and trial. In Judaism and Christianity, 40 is used as a symbol of cleansing, preparation, and instruction. So it goes to say that when a man (or woman) reaches the age of 40, he/she has gone through a lot of wayward things already. Well, probably not that many as he/she will continue to age and grow with more experience. Besides, maturity is not the same with everybody.


Unwittingly, people who are 40 and above are this website's majority of audience. Is it because its message is more applicable to 40 and up folks or is it because such audience are the ones who can relate to its teasing conveyance?

So, whether you are in your 40’s (and up) or you are about to reach this age range, here is something that you may want to be aware about -- the types of behavior shown by people who reach their 40’s.

Find out the miseries you may encounter once you turn 40.

1. The In Denial

How many people have you met who lie about their age when asked about it? Why are some folks (especially the middle age ones) get annoyed when age is being talked about? And why the heck is it offensive to ask grown-ups about their age when it is OK to do so if you ask a child or teenager?

The reason? Most of them are in denial that they are “not young” anymore. According to study, the stage of youth ends by your 35th-39th year. This is why we describe 40 and up folks as middle aged (with the exception of those who are 60 and above). The attitude of denying one’s age is not exclusive to middle aged people; you can find this behavior in individuals who are young as 20.

What is it in being young that many people want to associate themselves with? Humans have an intrinsic perception that youth begets strength, sharpness of mind, good health, and more opportunities; while growing old is incidentally linked to weakening of the body, deterioration of memory, and lessening of opportunities. The younger you are, the better.

The thing is, that is not the whole picture. Growing up and growing old is also associated with better and more positive things, such as maturity, wisdom, and resiliency. Besides, all those bad stuff mentioned above can all be avoided (or delayed) by applying all the knowledge in health and nutrition humanity has accumulated throughout the years.

2. The Health Paranoid

So much for adults denying their age… So you acknowledge that you are in your middle age. With such acceptance, you become aware of the changes in your health needs. You become conscious of every body pain you feel, thinking that it might be a symptom of some major disease associated with ageing. So you gorge yourself with every bit of literature online and offline regarding medical research on such sensations.

Instead of being appeased, you become more paranoid as you begin to be aware of health disorders you are not even sure you have. The best way to resolve this issue is to go to the doctor and have yourself checked. Yet, instead of doing so, you retort, “No, I don’t wanna go to doctors. They might ask me to go through some blood test and whatever hoola-hoola test there is. Then the tests might show some sickness I never heard of. Gosh! I am afraid.”

The heck! So you are afraid of doctors that you would rather rely on some medical website to provide you all the answers to your health questions. Well then, go ahead and feed your paranoia.

3. The Look Worrier

They say #3 in this list is more common to women than men. Well, I doubt it. I have observed both men and women become (overly) conscious of the changes on their physical looks once they reach or are about to reach middle age. Vanity depends not on gender but on the disposition of each man or woman.

Everyone wears an “emotional” mask. Yet, the easiest and most obvious way to mask yourself is through your physical appearance. Combine this with the “in denial” syndrome and you get to stew your mind on how to best hide those wrinkles and silver hair coming in. The thing is, who the heck in human history started to connote wrinkling and graying hair as unsightly? Mind you, there are many people who get better looking as they age.

If you are 40 and up, no need to worry about your looks because there are surely bigger things to think about (wink). Remember the age-old saying...


4. The Unaware

On the onset, the unaware and the in denial will behave the same. The difference? The latter deliberately shows it while the former is just not aware that they are 40 or up. Oh yeah, they probably are not oblivious of their actual age; it is just that they are ignoring the many changes happening with their body. They still party all night, drink (alcohol) excessively, smoke, and do other vices thinking that their bodies are the same as when they were in their 20’s.

Aside from ignoring the fact that such vices are taking a toll on their health, they are also behaving in a manner that marks the lifestyle of a callow teenager. I just hope that this kind of behavior does not lead them to a life-threatening disease brought about by an untempered way of life.

Learn how adults can think and act like a teenager.

The unaware adults think that age is just a number, which is rightly so and they should be commended for it. However, they just cannot comprehend that there are some things a 40 and up person should avoid on account of family life and good health.

5. The Wisdom Monger

There is no definite age for maturity. It comes differently on different people. You may see yourself as mature but others may not find the same. Or you may think of someone as immature but, in reality, he/she has accumulated wisdom you do not even know yet. Experience and environment mold a person’s maturity, and wisdom is a friend to those who have experienced much struggle.

The thing is, you cannot deny that 40 and up people have many years of experience and struggle is not a stranger to them. In fact, they recognize that struggle is inevitable as long as you live in this world. They have come to the realization that there are more important things in life other than gold and glory. They have become wisdom mongers.

Wisdom mongers desire to embrace life with all its imperfections -- not ignoring and not denying that they too are imperfect.

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