You Should Avoid Facebook If You Have These Traits

Communication is so easy these days. Getting connected with friends from your long lost past is no more difficult than typing their names in the search field of a social networking site. News and stories are more shareable by a click of a finger than what comes out of your mouth. In all of these social connections online, one network stands out among the rest.

Facebook has gotten the widest share of the social audience all around the Web. This is not my personal assumption, but if you say otherwise, then I encourage you to Google it up and ask what is the most popular social networking site all over the world.

The thing about Facebook, or any other social network wherein “friendly” connections are supposed to reside, is that it has created a world existing on its own where people release their emotions which they normally will not do with their dealings in the real world.

Mobile Facebook User

In my observations on how people behave on Facebook (which include myself) plus my conversations both online and offline, I took the pleasure to note down top 5 traits that may not be advisable to have if you are an active Facebook user. No judgment intended here, and I suggest that you do not judge yourself and your Facebook friends either. Just be conscious of these attitudes when you are online lest you regret ever seeing that waterfall again.

1. You easily get envious

Do you measure your own life's achievements based on how you surpass others' way of living? Even how beautiful or handsome you are, you still feel you are not and are insecure about it because someone is wearing the latest fashion making her/him the talk of the community. You get disturbed when you see photos of a friend standing by his/her new car or boasting his/her exploitative travels, while ignoring the fact that you are blessed with a fine family and a stable source of livelihood.

If you are sad because you feel your friends are getting ahead of you, even if in reality you have the most out of life, then it would be best to avoid Facebook for a while until you have come to terms with your own better blessings.

2. Ostentation is something you adore

In relation to being envious, ostentatiousness is an intoxicating attitude particularly if it is coupled with vainglory and materialism. People who feel bad if they see their friends showing off their material exploits, thinking that it is a challenge for them to step up, are more likely the same people who will squeeze up their resources just so they can boast something greater that what their friends have.

If this behavior means depleting your salary just to buy those expenditures or to paint a mask of yourself that you are not broke, then you have turned Facebook into a battleground of superficial makeups and unrealistic lifestyles.

3. You are instantly affected by opinions contrary to yours

Social media sites, and that includes Facebook, are agents of democracy. Albeit there are human administrators and moderators who watch over the posts and threads of conversations going-on in the community, their default behavior is tolerance. Unless there is foul-mouthing, attacks against race and/or personalities, they will not meddle with the discussions.

Since Facebook is a democratic platform, it is common to see various political posts and religious threads, which are in fact the ingredients that democracy indeed exists in such a place. If you are a person who values democracy, then you should not get offended if there are news and stories going about in Facebook but are different to your own sentiments.

Do you feel that a meme merely saying, “God bless you,” is an indication that people are shoving their faith on you? Do you react by saying, “Keep your religion to yourself,” or something like that? If you do, then Facebook probably is not the social networking site for you. Or how about political news and social issues, do you rant like hell while foul-mouthing everyone who does not share the same views as you have? Disagreeing with someone is OK as long as you do not let bigotry overpower your reactions.

4. Fact and gossip look the same to you

Unlike television, print media, and radio where there are organized teams who proofread, verify, and edit the news story to be released to the public, social media has a very loose way of sharing stories and information. With proper grammar and vocabulary skills, anyone can write a story and concoct an issue. Once it is shared, quite a number of people may have a hard time distinguishing it from the real news that comes from a credible and verifiable source.

If you belong to these types of people, then you are in danger of making decisions based solely on rumors and hearsay. If you are an active Facebook user, it is advisable to test the veracity of the story you are reading in order for you to differentiate what is fact and what is fiction.

5. You get satisfaction by ruining people's reputations

I have been active in various social media channels for quite a while, and one I got use to seeing every now and then is the “basher.” So what the heck is a basher? Obviously, a basher is a person who is in the act of bashing, and bashing according to the Cambridge Dictionary is...

“...the act of hitting hard; a physical attack on someone; or a defaming criticism on a person.”

I will just simplify the meaning of bashing as “online bullying” since we are pertaining to a certain kind of behavior in social media. Anyways, I bet you get what I mean. Without resorting to a heated argument, you and I agree that defaming a person's reputation by bashing him/her is never a commendable online hobby.

Also, there is such a thing as slander, which is defaming a person through word of mouth and is discreetly done behind the person's back. Slandering when done in written form is called libel, and libel is not limited to print and broadcast media. If you are spreading stories in social media with the guise of maligning people's reputation, then you are no different from the murderous psychopath who can make a deadly weapon out of anything he/she holds – whether it is a sharpened pencil or a kitchen knife.


It said that a tool is just as good (or as evil) as its user. So how do you know if Facebook is good for you or not? Well, if upon browsing a few posts you feel a sense of misery instead of inspiration, then you probably need to log-off from social media for a while until you find a worthwhile hobby that can help you become a better person.

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