On Chaos, Order, and Randomness

It is the nature of people to look for order in their surroundings and in their own lives. No normal person wants chaos. Although rebels are condoned at times, most people only do so if the perception is that such rebels are rebelling against a chaotic status quo. Rebels are hated when they are seen to be the agents of chaos.

You will always do your best to put order into chaos, and when the former has defeated the latter, you will not want to return to the previous state. Yet, amidst the seeming order of things and structure of events, there comes a momentous spark, something you do not expect — an unusual phenomenon. Such unexpected upshot can be an act of kindness from a stranger (or a perceived enemy); it can be an unwanted tragedy; or a sudden change of heart by a friend or loved one.

Kindness in the Midst of Chaos

We call these circumstances as events of RANDOMNESS. The dictionary defines randomness as...

...the lack of method or predictability in events. It occurs without definite aim, reason, or pattern.

The thing about randomness is that it seems to be happening for no reason at all, and that it takes place without a purpose. Because of this, your reaction tends to reject or ignore (blatantly) the occurrence of randomness.

It is a given reality that no one likes a tragedy, be it random or something foreseen. Everyone, by nature and instinct, avoids and abhors it. Will the opposite be your response to a random act of goodness? You wish! Most people will react with suspicion. Here is the thing for you — such suspicion should not prevent you from doing your own action of random kindness.

Consistency Dilemma

Admit it! It is difficult to consistently be good and practice kindness at all times. The harshness of daily living and the apathetic attitudes of most people around you have made your outlook and emotions the basins of indifference. Yet, you surely would not want to say that you are an indifferent person, incapable of caring and doing humane acts, would you? Your desire for order and consistency has made it hard to practice concern and sensitivity, making you a slave of routine and monotony.

Fortunately, there is a way to get out of apathetic constancy. Being consistent and orderly is not an obstacle from letting you perform actions of randomness.

Be Random and Make a Difference

If bad things can happen to people randomly, why not use randomness as a weapon to fight off evil and a tool to bring out goodness in any situation? Random acts of generosity, helpfulness, thoughtfulness, and cheerfulness can go a long way. They not only have the capacity to affect people positively, but they can also infect them with the virus of goodness. Even a smile that is randomly given has a spellbinding effect on the person who receives it.

You say superheroes do not exist, and because of this, you cannot be one yourself. I say you can. If you retort that you do not have a mask and costume, then wear the cowl of randomness. If you allege you do not have powers, then be energized by power of goodness.

In a world where stolidity rules, tragedy and crime have become more than just random. If randomness just comes out of nowhere, then why not put some kind of order into it? Use it to promote good and bring out the best in people. Let them (and yourself) experience the goodness of life and all that is in it, not just once but again and again, as long as your life dare it to be so.

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